🌋 Over 5,000 years ago…

Grand Chief Kurma
2 min readJan 27, 2022

…an epoch-shifting ☄️ tragedy changed 🌎 our planet forever.

This extinction level event, that occurs every 22 million years, eliminated 95% of all species that habituated our world.

Of the few that survived 🤕 the great disaster, most could not make it past a couple weeks due to conditions just not being right for any food to grow 🥀

A few thousand 🎁 lucky ones of us survived. For early mobilization, my father, the last 👑 Grand Chief made a ⚠️ war-cry appealing to turtles far and wide to remain huddled in the deepest parts of their 🌊 wetlands.

“Your impenetrable shells are a gift from the eternal mother. We shall meet again friends, very soon.” decreed 👑 Grand Chief Ajeya.

Hundreds of thousands of turtles lost their lives, many more were left futile having been exposed to ☢️ deadly radiation.

I was one of the 5,000 lucky ones that survived. I remained put in my shell for weeks until another cry was made. This time to finally 🌤 reemerge and rally together.

As the last of our species, we’d just seen first-hand the ⚡️ destruction nature had imposed on us. Most of us lost our families, home and children. My entire Family had been completely wiped. As the First Turtle Family, my father decided to launch a mobilization effort to help the most vulnerable turtle community find safe grounds. Most of them were unable to get to safety themselves and perished.

I was the only one that survived 🌨

You must be wondering…

Why am I telling you this story?

Thousands of years have passed since the great disaster.

Most who survived it are now free from the shackles of life. But me personally, I am still somehow holding onto the veil — that thin essence — in pursuit of a suitable place to end my journey.

For several decades now, I have 🛸 travelled across multiple dimensions to find that ideal location. I have finally 🏡 found where I was meant to be all along. The Fantom Universe.

Finally, I am ready to tell you the tale of ✨ Conscious Turtles. The bravest, the most unrelenting and devoted turtles of my time.

Join me in uncovering the next chapter of this tale.



Grand Chief Kurma

5,000 turtles 🐢 are coming to the Fantom universe to mark the beginning of a revolution. Join us and write a new chapter in the tale of Conscious Turtles ✨